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Reflection on the Class

My Freshman Inquiry Seminar class has been a literary odyssey, shaping my academic journey and enhancing my creative and analytical skills. Crafting a children’s picture book challenged me to distill complex themes for young readers, fostering creativity and a deepened appreciation for storytelling.

Engaging in research papers broadened my academic perspective, honing my analytical prowess and research skills. Exploring the cultural and psychological dimensions of fairy tales unveiled the intricate layers beneath these timeless narratives, revealing the profound impact of literature on societal norms.

Your invaluable guidance throughout these projects has been instrumental. From crafting narratives to navigating scholarly research, your expertise has significantly contributed to my success in the class.

Reflecting on this seminar, I recognize its enduring impact, providing a solid foundation for future academic pursuits and inspiring a continued exploration of the boundless possibilities within the realm of literature.